Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Report from TU delf Architecture


As promised, here is a report from TU Delf. It is probably one of the best organized public School of architecture that I know of. After the fire of two years ago, they recovered very fast.. The crisis created an incredible energy and the Shool now is much better than before.
Combination of public and private activities are superb, as well of old and new structures. Here are some views and parcticularly some movies that for who is interested to plan and design a School or to ameliorate one, are relevant.

Studio Space Let's start from the studio space. As you see the room as small rooms for seminar and reviews and then a very large studio space, with spaces for models adn storage. Closets at the end are extremely important because allow the rotation of users. Of course the table have electrical plugs. Other details in the movie 

Connection Spaces. What is interesting here is the multifunctional characterisctic of the space. it is used not only for circulation but for display and probably for  reviews. Notice the study corner on the Space-blue room-sofa. Details in The movie

Large conference space. . Impressive and absoultely anti conventional the Lecture space, that of course.. is used al the time for meeting and relax... Winy Maas of Mrvd designer. See The movie

pyramidal space.. below work space, on top seating for lectures

Naturally there is a connection:!

Great Hall for Modeling and Large space for creation of models with space up above in mezanine for reviews (Movie) and studio works.  Movie

To Morrow a seminar with Kas Oosterhuis, Friday students review and the "Towards a new Architecture" Book Launch

Hyperbody space and review (movie)

Kas Oosterhusis Book

1 comment:

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