Course Description
This course will offer a serious of introductory principles to the field of Information Technology Revolution in Architecture (see Book Series >>) . It is based on the new book by
Antonino Saggio
Introduction of IT Revolution in Architecture. Thoughts on a Paradigm Shift >>
The course will follow the key words used in different chapters of the book.
They are coming from the general field of study of increasing level of complexity:
1. Substances (First part. Questions of content)
2. Communication (First part. Questions of content)
3. City ((First part. Questions of content)
4. Landscape (First part. Questions of content)
5. Information ((Second part. Theoretical issues)
6. Time (Second part. Theoretical issues)
7. Space (Second part. Theoretical issues)
8. Model (Second part. Theoretical issues)
9. Reification (Second part. Theoretical issues)
10. Catalyst (Second part. Theoretical issues)
Scope of the module
It is to develop a "critical understanding" of the topic and to write a "Program of research" that can be suited to be presented and accepted for an official research grant, or a PhD dissertation.
After have read the entire book, participants start a process of dialogue with the professor that will help them to define a sub-area of research in this field.
Modality of Inscription
Students will enroll by reading the program offer by e-Archidoct.eu >> and following the procedure of registration. The course is free for all participants enrolled in one of these institutions (Barcelona Valles, Bucharest Ion Mincu, Copenhagen, Delft, Dublin DIT, Dublin UCD, London Bartlett, Lyon, Madrid ETSAM, Oslo, Rome Sapienza, Thessaloniki, Vadu, Warsaw, >> detail ).
To be enorlled in Saggio module students must be enrolled in the last year of a five year architectural program, or be enrolled in a graduate or PhD course. After have read the procedure by e-Archidoct.eu >> further explanations can be obtained by sending an email to the program secreteriat to the person of Laura Koniordou (email: lkoniord@arch.auth.gr)
Final ENROLLMENT of the course is fixed for Monday Decemb
er 17, 2008.

For that day students enrolled should have already:
1. Have ordered and possibly already delivered at their address the Text Book Introduction of IT Revolution in Architecture. Thoughts on a Paradigm Shift. (Follow the link to order, use possibly a paypall account, >>)
2. Have read at least one of the book of the IT revolution series at their choice >> (books are available in School Libraries, book stores and can be orderd at amazon.com).
3. Have created their own blog (few moments.. use for example http://www.blogger.com/)
4. Have a Skype account >> in order to do teleconferencing
5. Have send the following information to professor Antonino Saggio email (Antonino.Saggio@uniroma1.it) as a secondary private information by 10.00 am Monday December 15, 2008. Subject of the email: enrollement to Saggio Module
School of enrollment:
Permanent Address:
Phone (possibly Mobile with country prefix for example for Italy + 39.....):
Please send all complete information, in one only complete email!. Consider that all information are indispensable. For example without the skypename you cannot be at the skype conference, without your own blog you canot make the exercise without the text book "nothing" can happen in the following steps eccetera
First Conference of Introduction of the course via Skype at
18.00 hrs ROME TIME of Tuesday December 16, 2008. At this first conference details will be given the overall structure will be made and further steps will be decided
Skype ninosa3. In order to be in the conference YOU MUST have sent your Skype name the day Before in the previous email
FIRST Meeting Tuesday december 16, 2008 18:00
people enrolled:
Anders.Hermund@karch.dk http://pharnen.blogspot.com/ Denmark
Vanina.ballini@gmail.com http://vaninaballini.blogspot.com Italy
Antonino.diraimo@nitrosaggio.net http://antoninodiraimo.blogspot.com/ Italy
Pigivangeli@gmail.com http://tispigistoblog.blogspot.com/ Greece
Cristian.farinella@gmail.com http://gluemarket.blogspot.com/ Italy
Nazareno Tiberi: naza.tibe@gmail.com http://nazarenotiberi.blogspot.com/ Italy
Rosettaangelini@nitrosaggio.net http://www.rosettaangelinicomese.blogspot.com/ Assistant Italy
(lucian Narcis) Narcisteodorescu@yahoo.com http://narcisteodorescu.blogspot.com Romania
lorenagreco@libero.it http://gluemarket.blogspot.com/ Italy
mariano.fatica@gmail.com http://mariano-timeforblog.blogspot.com/ Italy
(Dragan Rares) raresv.dragan@gmail.com http://emergentrealityinurbanpublicspaces.blogspot.com/
Skype: raresv.dragan
lorenzaciprari@hotmail.it http://lorenzaciprari.blogspot.com/
Listen The first meeting in MP3
Things To do for next meeting
Friday January 9, 2009 be on line at 17:20 lesson start at 18:00
1. Order immediately the book. It is explained above. You Must have it in English! Takes time..Order it immediately
2. Enroll offically with the e.archdoc system. Many good things may happen!
3. While waiting ofr the book to arrive, read or read a book of the IT series >>>
4. Write a short Book review in your blog
5. Create in your blog a post marke "E.archdoc saggio Module" tend to have there all the relevant information
(naturally you can create other posts but start with this one)
6. Navigate the other persons blog. each person NOT in the Italian team MUSTt have a partner in the italian group. Find your partner with private negotiation. You can have more than one.
7. read the book entirerly
8. Write a review in the blog
9. Pick a Chapter that seems to fulfill most your interest
10. Find an extra product (cinema, music, movie, literature...other that can be associated with the chapter from your point of view)
11. read a book in the IT Rev book series that is related to the chapter
12. Find a projects of yours (one already done) and interrogate it from the point of view of the chapter
13. Find another bibliographical material, not in the book series, but belonging to area of Architecture and IT. Typically a book, a monograohic issue of a magazine that refers to that chapter topic
if you don not understand. Re listen The audio. or email the other persons or skype to them. Use the Blog! Cultivate it as a little garden! It is your main way to talk to the other.
See you at the meeting whch as musch as you can...ideally all the above mentioned points
09/gen/09, alle ore 20:21, antonino.saggio/nitrosaggio.net ha scritto:
Meeting Friday 9 happened the second meeting.
Pigi, Crhistian and Lorena, Rosetta, Antonino, Lucian, Mariano reported
Rares, Lucius, Lorenza, Vanina were also present
Anders has a collegue at his place.
Nazareno, Doina where missing. Maria dropped.
Next two meeting are scheduled
Tuesday March 10 at 17, 20 ...18:00 start
Tuesday March 24 at 17, 20...18,00 start
At tthe meeting of March 10
the following people will do a formal 10 minutes presentation:
Anders.Hermund@karch.dk http://pharnen.blogspot.com/ Denmark
Pigivangeli@gmail.com http://tispigistoblog.blogspot.com/ Greece
(lucian Narcis) Narcisteodorescu@yahoo.comhttp://narcisteodorescu.blogspot.com Romania
(Dragan Rares) raresv.dragan@gmail.comhttp://emergentrealityinurbanpublicspaces.blogspot.com/
At the meeting Tuesday March 24 these person will present
Cristian.farinella@gmail.com http://gluemarket.blogspot.com/ Italy
Nazareno Tiberi: naza.tibe@gmail.comhttp://nazarenotiberi.blogspot.com/ Italy
Rosettaangelini@nitrosaggio.nethttp://www.rosettaangelinicomese.blogspot.com/ Assistant Italy
Lorenagreco@libero.it http://gluemarket.blogspot.com/ Italy
mariano.fatica@gmail.com http://mariano-timeforblog.blogspot.com/Italy
lorenzaciprari@hotmail.it http://lorenzaciprari.blogspot.com/
Vanina.ballini@gmail.com http://vaninaballini.blogspot.com Italy
PRE REQUISTE of The Presentation
1. Write a short Book review in your blog of "Introduction of IT Revolution in Arhitecture"
2 Create in your blog a post marke "E.archdoc saggio Module" tend to have there all the relevant information
(naturally you can create other posts but start with this one)
3. Navigate the other persons blog. each person NOT in the Italian team MUSTt have a partner in the italian group. Find your partner with private negotiation. You can have more than one.
7. Be enrolled officially in the earchdoc module
Content of The presentation
Organize freely your presentation utilizing the following material
8. The book review in the blog
9. A Chapter that seems to fulfill most your interest
10. An extra product (cinema, music, movie, literature...other that can be associated with the chapter from your point of view)
11. A book in the IT Rev book series that is related to your chosen chapter
12. Find a projects of yours (one already done) and interrogate it from the point of view of the chapter
13. Find another bibliographical material, not in the book series, but belonging to area of Architecture and IT. Typically a book, a monograohic issue of a magazine that refers to that chapter topic
The presentation will start to define YOUR areas of Interest. This area of interest comes through the critical study of the above material.
Give a TITLE of your area of interest. And a possible explanatory subtitle.
It is clear that:
a. You have received and read the book
b. All the material of the presentation is in YOUR BLOG that is at the same time your instrument of work and your PRESENTATION medium!!
Anders.Hermund@karch.dk http://pharnen.blogspot.com/ Denmark
Pigivangeli@gmail.com http://tispigistoblog.blogspot.com/ Greece
(lucian Narcis) Narcisteodorescu@yahoo.comhttp://narcisteodorescu.blogspot.com Romania
(Dragan Rares) raresv.dragan@gmail.comhttp://emergentrealityinurbanpublicspaces.blogspot.com/
At the meeting Tuesday March 24 these person will present
Cristian.farinella@gmail.com http://gluemarket.blogspot.com/ Italy
Nazareno Tiberi: naza.tibe@gmail.comhttp://nazarenotiberi.blogspot.com/ Italy
Rosettaangelini@nitrosaggio.nethttp://www.rosettaangelinicomese.blogspot.com/ Assistant Italy
Lorenagreco@libero.it http://gluemarket.blogspot.com/ Italy
mariano.fatica@gmail.com http://mariano-timeforblog.blogspot.com/Italy
lorenzaciprari@hotmail.it http://lorenzaciprari.blogspot.com/
Vanina.ballini@gmail.com http://vaninaballini.blogspot.com Italy
PRE REQUISTE of The Presentation
1. Write a short Book review in your blog of "Introduction of IT Revolution in Arhitecture"
2 Create in your blog a post marke "E.archdoc saggio Module" tend to have there all the relevant information
(naturally you can create other posts but start with this one)
3. Navigate the other persons blog. each person NOT in the Italian team MUSTt have a partner in the italian group. Find your partner with private negotiation. You can have more than one.
7. Be enrolled officially in the earchdoc module
Content of The presentation
Organize freely your presentation utilizing the following material
8. The book review in the blog
9. A Chapter that seems to fulfill most your interest
10. An extra product (cinema, music, movie, literature...other that can be associated with the chapter from your point of view)
11. A book in the IT Rev book series that is related to your chosen chapter
12. Find a projects of yours (one already done) and interrogate it from the point of view of the chapter
13. Find another bibliographical material, not in the book series, but belonging to area of Architecture and IT. Typically a book, a monograohic issue of a magazine that refers to that chapter topic
The presentation will start to define YOUR areas of Interest. This area of interest comes through the critical study of the above material.
Give a TITLE of your area of interest. And a possible explanatory subtitle.
It is clear that:
a. You have received and read the book
b. All the material of the presentation is in YOUR BLOG that is at the same time your instrument of work and your PRESENTATION medium!!
Successful completion of Saggio module with the required formal presentation are:
Dragan Rares
Cristian Farinella
Antonino Di Raimo
Rosetta Angelini
Lorena Greco
Mariano Fatica
Rosetta Angelini
Lorena Greco
Mariano Fatica
Lorenza Ciprari
Vanina Ballini
Vanina Ballini
Students not mentioned did not give a formal presentation which was considered by the teacher at the required standard or did not give any formal presentation
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